Road Trip, part 3

More road trip photos! Of a different trip, though.

Here’s the Loretto Chapel in Santa Fe. The tree outside the door to the chapel is laden with rosaries.

2014-11-15 at 10-59-36
The famous staircase to the choir loft.

2014-11-15 at 11-12-04 2014-11-15 at 11-13-56 The shopping is nice. Maybe I should say, the browsing is nice. Most shopping in Santa Fe is a bit outside my budget.

2014-11-12 at 15-16-10 2014-11-14 at 20-14-20 2014-11-14 at 20-08-24

Coastal scenery

I’m missing my hometown this week. October is a beautiful time to visit the coast. Rare sunny days that feel like summer, except that summer is generally foggy. While I’m pining for the ocean and checking my calendar to see if I can sneak away before the rainy season starts, enjoy a photo from the northern California coast.

NorCal beach

Pretty in Pink

Let’s test your knowledge of kitschy roadside attractions! I’m blogging over at Laffeinated Ink today and giving away a copy of Chasing the Dollar. Come over and offer your best guess where the photos were taken and be entered to win!

travel 6 2014

Pretty photo in lieu of actual post

San Simeon 1
Purple flowers, San Simeon, California. June 2014.

I just spent two full days with a high-energy 6-year-old (is there any other kind?) and I need a nap. I was going to post something here today, but I did not anticipate my niece’s go-go-go nature would start at 6:45 a.m. Like I said, naptime.

So here’s a placeholder photo instead of actual thoughts. I’d like to know the name of this coastal plant, even though it won’t grow where I live. Anyone know?


Coastal getaway

Summer vacation photos! Okay, it wasn’t much of a vacation, just a few days away at the coast. But it was lovely and nice to get away.

San Simeon exterior

We went to San Simeon, home of W.R. Hearst’s little summer place.

San Simeon LibraryBW

My favorite rooms? The library. Of course.

San Simeon Library

So many books.

I soaked in inspiration for future WIPs, taking photos of locations that will feature in a couple new works. At least, once I finish the current book. My to-be-written list is growing and fast. Being back on the coast, at the edge of the continent, it always inspires a flood of new ideas.

San Simeon sunset

So tell me, where do you find your inspiration?

How I spent my summer vacation

Halifax 29Do you use your vacation to relax on a beach? Or do you cram in every historic site, museum, and landmark on the map? Come talk about how you spend your summer vacation over at Laffeinated Ink, where I’m blogging today.

Here be technicolor dragons

I meant to post something this week, but, well… life happened. I’m blogging twice a month at Laffeinated Ink now, but I don’t want to neglect this space because I’ve been here for… hold on, let me check the archives–almost three years. Yikes. That’s a while.

Writing is going well. I’m just wrapping up revisions on the last few chapters of the untitled, but now under contract, romantic mystery. I’ll have more news on that front soon, I hope.

In the meantime, enjoy this friendly guy who I found in Las Vegas of all places. I’ll be back soon, I promise. But in the meantime, stop by Laffeinated Ink, where I’m hanging out with a lot of talented writers.

Vegas Dragon