Bring on the red pen!*

July2013 28Here it is — all 396 pages of the first draft of Trust Me, I’m A Lawyer. I printed it out and it didn’t fit in the binder I bought. So back to the office supply store, where I stocked up on editing supplies.

Taking the advice of many seasoned writers, I changed the font before printing this draft. It’s already helped. I’ve found several minor errors that I had read a hundred times and never noticed.

I have a long weekend ahead of me and hope to get some major structural changes nailed down. Then, I’ll print another draft and mail it off to my critique partner with some lovely thank-you gifts for tackling this project with me.

July2013 27
Not pictured: Chocolate, booze.

And once that package is in the mail, I’m looking forward to stepping away from this WIP and diving back into one of the many other projects on my computer.

* Well, not red pens. I don’t like using red ink. It looks so harsh. I have purple and green editing pens at the ready. It’s a kinder, gentler editing pen.

2 thoughts on “Bring on the red pen!*

  1. Pens?!? You’re brave. I have to use pencils (colored) when I edit.

    I haven’t heard about changing the font when you edit. That’s a great idea!


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